Tuesday, April 19, 2005


i never meant for this site to be about 'updates'...but here are a few affecting my life right now:
-i am engaged, with a lovely sapphire and diamond ring
-it is warm today in boston, it is spring in boston, i am happier in boston (rare)
-my brother daniel is home in tennessee from iraq, he is alive
-my brother nigel is out of prison on bail, his trial has been postponed until august, he is alive
-my parents are deeper and deeper in debt, almost to bankruptcy, but they have their two youngest sons home for at least a short while, and they are happy
-my bike is out of the garage for the first time in two years...rode it with ernie on the cape next to the ocean this weekend...so beautiful
-my 'to do' lists are getting longer and longer
-still miss ny, it's still my 'goal'

i'm sure it's chemical, but even with all that is still happening with my family, the fact that it has warmed a bit in new england has changed my mood considerably for the better. anxiously awaiting my first summer swim at walden pond.

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