Wednesday, June 29, 2005

the question of bruno

currently reading: the question of bruno by aleksandar hemon
i'm half of the way finished with this book of short stories that i picked up this weekend at st.marks bookshop. what i've read is entertaining, to say the least. i read somewhere that mr. hemon writes in english, even though it is his second language. (which brings up comparisons to conrad, although i don't see it)
this is the only fault i have with this is evident that he has a very dogeared, over used copy of the OED laying around his apartment. in one of my favorite stories so far, "a coin", (which involves letters written by a girl in sarajevo sent to a friend in america....a stomach turning story about how to escape sniper bullets while traveling from point A to point B and the absolute reality of horrific gore and misery when it surrounds you completely), mr.hemon replaces simple words that would have justly conveyed his point, with giant, unrealistic words, which seem almost annoying in the context of the story. (example: replacing "cowardly" with "pusillanimous" just isn't necessary).
but, otherwise, i really enjoy the picture he paints with the english language, even though many of them are gruesome and hard to swallow. he has a great grasp of how to make things seem vividly real under very unreal circumstances.

this book goes well with the heat.

Monday, June 27, 2005

i want to be a part of york new york...

the handsome trio... Posted by Hello

thompson square park...on a lazy day sunday in nyc. Posted by Hello

in line for the swinging cars... Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

the wonderful wonder wheel Posted by Hello

the 'self proclaimed' 'real' king of the polar bears... Posted by Hello

punch drunk on the way home from coney island... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


playing with our new digital sugar sweet fiance, at our favorite place to eat large quantities of barbeque and drink wonderfully large amounts of mojitos. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

mermaids, carnys, and freaks...oh my!

what we must do is live our lives to the absolute fullest. that is what we must do. so i propose a trip. out of this miserable bostontown and into 'the real city', full of endless possibilities, both good and bad, great and a party of the greatest possible proportions. full of freaks and ferris wheels, cotton candy and skee ball, bright beaches and carousels, tiny wine bottles and boardwalk beauties.
come one come all to the mermaid parade, at coney island, brooklyn, ny....june 25th.
it would be an absolute shame if you missed it.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Jason Irving Doeg, 1982-2005

'Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.'
-edna st. vincent millay-

we miss you j.